- With year round schooling, the day spent in class stays the same as traditoinal school, there are just more breaks.
- These breaks would be frequent. There would be a scheduled breaks in between each nine weeks, sometimes even every three weeks. Also tradional breaks, such as Christmas Break, would be longer, lasting the entire month of December.
- The amount of breaks would "allow students to have time to rest their minds from learning material." This would make learning easier, and help students retain more knowledge, most of which we lose over the three month summer holiday.
- Year round schooling will help students adjust to the demanding schdules of college and work.
- Because most people do not take one three-month-long vacation, having numerous short breaks throughout the year would help students "adjust to the schedule and routine of college without a great amount of difficulty."
- This would also help teach students how to mangae time more resoponsibly, and promote getting work done because of the break from the stress of learning for almost tweleve weeks straight.
Many believe that having school year round would "keep kids in school for most of the calender year," ultimately causing more stress on students.
- Some parents would argue that this would hinder most students ability to learn and recall things that they've learend in the passed.
- Also, this could anger some parents because it would make scheduling and family vacation more diffiult, a selfish thing to think in comparison with education.
Though I see the logic in these beliefs, I insist that the amount of time spent on both schedules is the same, beign 190 days, and would help educate our nation's youth in the most effecient way.
My Paragraph:
School should be held year around. With year round schooling, the day spent in class stays the same as traditoinal school, there are just more breaks. These breaks would be frequent. There would be a scheduled breaks in between each nine weeks, sometimes even every three weeks. Also tradional breaks, such as Christmas Break, would be longer, lasting the entire month of December. The amount of breaks would "allow students to have time to rest their minds from learning material." This would make learning easier, and help students retain more knowledge, most of which we lose over the three month summer holiday. Year round schooling will help students adjust to the demanding schdules of college and work. Because most people do not take one three-month-long vacation, having numerous short breaks throughout the year would help students "adjust to the schedule and routine of college without a great amount of difficulty." This would also help teach students how to mangae time more resoponsibly, and aspire getting work done because of the break from the stress of learning for almost tweleve weeks straight. Many believe that having school year round would "keep kids in school for most of the calender year," ultimately causing more stress on students. Some parents would argue that this would hinder most students ability to learn and recall things that they've learend in the passed. Also, this could anger some parents because it would make scheduling and family vacation more diffiult, a selfish thing to think in comparison with education. Though I see the logic in these beliefs, I insist that the amount of time spent on both schedules is the same, beign 190 days, and would help educate our nation's youth in the most effecient way. The pros of this calender outweight, and prove silly, the cons, and I believe that a change in our current arrangements would benifit the students of this district greatly.
My Thinking:
In this paragraph, I used mainly deductive thinking. I started with a theroy- School would be less stressful in held year round- and formulated a hypothesis from this. From there, I started to gather my evidence and ended proving my point- that school would be much easier for students if we went all year.
Source: The Advantages of a Year-Round School Schedule